Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2011

Maribor|Slovenia (Day 3 – Tuesday 29th November)

We got up at 7 o’clock and then we had breakfast. At 9 o’clock we went out of the hotel for a tour around the city. We walked to the park. In the park there was an aquarium with a terrarium with snakes, crocodiles, turtles and fish. After that we went to the town hall where we met the deputy mayor of Maribor city. We got little presents from her. Then we saw a lot of interesting sights. The Slovenian pupils explained everything in English. 

We were also in a church where three girls from Hungary sang a song. We went to the market place and saw a statue. Later we saw a tower where they burnt witches some hundred years ago. In the evening we went back to school and had dinner with all the other pupils.

  (Jan and Pascal)

Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011

Maribor|Slovenia (Day 2 – Monday 28th November)

It’s Monday morning and we had to get up at quater past seven because we all met for breakfast in the hotel at 8. At nine o’clock we walked up to school and as we arrived many pupils stared at us. This was very strange.
After we watched the school we went into an English lesson of the class 9a and listened to a presentation on the electric blackboard. It was done by four girls of the class. After that we watched the movies about our schools again. Then we went for a little snack into the cafeteria. The bread with cream cheese and green pepper was very tasty. We were fit for the English lesson with Marjetka and the class 7a. We talked about food and were completely involved.
Then we watched little kids (in Year one) dancing and singing for us. This was very cute. The P.E. lesson with funny boys and powerful girls of class 5a was also great. Because we played a ball game. So we earned our lunch, I think.
Everyone got the same  food with a little choice between different desserts. We went back to the hotel when we finished eating. We took our stuff and went out for shopping. (YEAH) There are many known stores and we had a lot of fun during shopping. Except for Mr. Spillner who worked and relaxed at the hotel.
After shopping we walked together to the school. The slovenian kids made a nice program for us. They showed us their great talents as dancers or musicians. After that the Hungarian, Slovenian and the Germans made food and ate it together. Then we walked very tired but impressed back to our hotel.
(Sabine and Melissa)

Maribor|Slovenia (Day 1 – Sunday 27th November)

Very early on Sunday morning we started our trip to Slovenia. We went by bus via Regensburg, across Austria and finally arrived Slovenia after 8 hours. We were welcomed by the the slovenian COMENIUS coordinator, Marjetka. Then we checked in at our hotel. After a short rest we walked into town and had pizza at a very nice restaurant.

Montag, 31. Oktober 2011

COMENIUS - Plakatgestaltung

Einmal pro Woche trifft sich die Comeniusgruppe und arbeitet an der Realisierung ihrer Ideen. Am Tag der offenen Tür haben wir unsere Partnerschulen mit Hilfe eines Plakates vorgestellt. | Our Comenius group meets every week and tries to implement its ideas. At the Open Day we presented our partner schools by creating posters.